Course Recap

Last blog of the class and that means some recap questions to answer. So, no chit chat or crazy GIFs this time let’s get down to business!

Sorry, I couldn’t help myself!

What was the most interesting thing you learned over the past eight weeks about social media marketing campaigns?

I think the most important thing I learned about social media marketing campaigns was just how important choosing the correct target audience is and going directly to where they are to market to them. You can plan to focus on a certain group of people but if that group of people is the smallest on the only platform you plan to market it you’re wasting your time and money for a small return. It would be like a company targeting LGBT+ men advertising on Tinder or Bumble, instead of Gindr or Scruff. (Is that too niche of an example? Hope not.)

What were your thoughts on the weekly blogs?

Honestly I found the weekly blogs a great way of gathering my thoughts about the weekly topic and receiving feedback from my peers. While discussions give you this a bit too you tend to see more of a persons personality in the more loose format of a blog assignment which makes the blogs enjoyable to read and respond to. I always try to ad a bit of fun to my blog posts with gifs or images and I hope those brightened up people’s days a little bit.

What were your likes/dislikes?

In terms of the class I didn’t really have any dislikes as it was pretty fun, at times challenging in the best way, and there was always a lot of feedback given as well as chances to ask questions. When it comes to likes and dislikes of the blogs themselves I think I really enjoyed the format and the frequency didn’t feel like overkill. If we talking about the social media campaign final project I think it was a great way to get experience actually making a campaign instead of just reading about how they can be made. I especially enjoyed the creativity of making the posts for the final submission. I actually got two of my friends to supply pictures of make up looks they did and used them as examples of user generated content that we would use in our campaign. It was so much fun!

The last thing I want to say, and I think I said it in my last blog post as well, is that I wish everyone in this course the best of luck on everything they do in the future. It’s been great getting to work with you all and I hope that maybe we’ll get the chance again in the future.

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